Select the Prize

  • Each prize is displayed and described in the home page

  • Since the quiz questions are generated wholly from featured books, hover the mouse over each prize's description for details of the book from which each set of questions was generated

  • Then once you decide on the prize you wish to win, click on the desired prize from the gallery to be routed to the quiz page

  • Respond to the prompt by clicking OK, and this will take you to the quiz page

Answer the Questions

  • On the quiz page, log in to play if you are already registered

  • If you have not registered, you have to register before you can log in to participate in the contest. Registration is completely free!

  • Once you log in, click on Start Quiz to load the quiz questions.

Win the Prize

  • In the quiz, select your answers for each timed question

  • At the end of the quiz, your score will show on the quiz page. The questions carry equal marks, unless otherwise indicated. You can play each quiz only once per session

  • If two or more contestants score the same points, the contestants with the same highest scores will keep participating in follow-up quizes until someone scores the highest points. The winner is the person with the highest accurate and most prompt answers. The contest is based on speed and accuracy. There is no element of chance