About Us

Our History

Zebra Consulting Inc. was conceptualized in response to a widespread need to provide businesses with desperately needed technologies for increase efficiency and innovative approach towards seamless business processess.

It all started with a visit to a friend's struggling business which was at the verge of bankruptcy in New York City during the 2008 financial crisis. The conversation about how the said business ended up in distress and couldn't weather the crisis in the economy birthed a journey to help businesses avert the situations that put my friend's business in jeopardy.

The remarkable and sustained success recorded by Zebra Consulting got the attention of Department of Commerce which then contracted Zebra to implement the Operation Eagle's Wing of 2010 which the Department used to fortify SEC's oversight functions over large firms.


Zebra Consulting Inc.'s solutions have helped a total of 216 businesses in 32 states and Canada fortify themselves against situations that would otherwise cause serious adverse outcomes.

Zebra Inc. has successfully guided 156 businesses away from imminent backruptcy. It has also managed to transform 7 businesses that had gone through bankruptcy into post-liquidation acquisition which resulted in new successful ventures.

Zebra's novel Business Incubation Project has midwived the emergence of young business owners and entrepreneurs through the provision of training to startups by the younger generation. These idea-driven but inexperienced young business owners are connected with existing successful businesses for the purposes of tutelage thereby saving them and their new businesses the risks of unnecessary experimentation and costly avoidable missteps.

The New York City New Americans' Initiative has achieved ninety-eight percent success due to Zebra Consulting Inc.'s Investment and Technical support. This immigrant-based public-private sector collaboration has helped dozens of new immigrants gain economic empowerment and integration.

Our Amazing Team

It is impossible to disconnect the continued success of Zebra Consulting Inc. from the workforce. From our CEO and all the leadership to all the employees, the team boasts of people who have genuine passion for what we do:

  • CEO: Iyke Zulim
  • CFO: Stacey Scheider
  • Head of Compliance: Obi Candice
  • Head of Legal: Owen Andrews
  • Head of HR: Maria Gonzalez

In addition to the leadership, Zebra Consulting Inc. is proud and fortunate to have a rich diversity of employees with a headcount of 205 drawn from various professional backgrounds. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, Zebra has continued to maintain its rainbow philosophy, because we believe that the best of humanity is in a good mix of various peoples.